Your advantage is a complete and high-performance platform for learning online Romanian grammar and performing grammar tests. For an admission exam, this site allows you to learn and test your knowledge through an interactive experience and adapt to the specifics of the exams. Solve free online tests!


Theoretical notions of PHONETICS, VOCABULARY, MORPHOLOGY, and SYNTAX, specific tests to each field and grammatical subdomain, intuitive way to use, tools that facilitate test solving, flexible subscriptions, the possibility of free testing and self-assessment, time and progress monitoring, efficiency, constantly new test adding, constructive feedback - everything to accelerate your success. See Packages!

Easy to use

You sign up, learn the theory or recap it, choose the desired domain/subdomain and start test solving anywhere and anytime. Remember, pick up RO for learning Romanian. It's simple and obvious! We save your results and show you the evolution. We point you where you went wrong, and so you develop your knowledge. Moreover, we support you by accessing the "How do I use the platform?" or at the contact address. 

Your online teacher

Sometimes you learn more from an explanation than from a theory page. That is why we have attached the justification of the correct answer to most of the questions from the Romanian language grammar. In addition, if you need clarifications on the theory or questions, you can write in the Discussion List menu -You ask, the teacher answers, and a teacher will give you the necessary explanations as soon as possible. See Packages!

Do you want to learn romanian language grammar, or are you preparing for a romanian language grammar exam?

Now you have the best start in exam preparation by learning theory and solving the tests of this platform. All the requirements of the Romanian grammar exams will be 100% covered by study and exercise, having the possibility to practice questions similar to those from the exams.

Everybody is interested in learning Romanian Language Grammar

Secondry school training & National Assessment

"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy

University of Bucharest - Faculty of Law

University of Craiova - Faculty of Law

University of Iași - Faculty of Law

"Vasile Lascăr" School of Police Câmpina

"Septimiu Mureșan" School of Police Cluj-Napoca

Drăgășani Military School

Fălticeni Military School

Tg. Ocna School of Penitentiary Agents

"Avram Iancu" Border Agents School, Oradea

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